Dr. Triguna Sen

Biographical archive depicting various aspects of Dr Triguna Sen's life

Dr. Triguna Sen

Dr Triguna Sen was the one who formulated the National Education Policy in 1968 during his tenure as the Union Education minister. Padma Bhusan recipient Sen was the first Vice-Chancellor of Jadavpur University of which NCE Bengal is the parent body. A plethora of rare photographs of Sen with national leaders across the globe, numerous letters written by him during his illustrious career, various articles and the different prizes he had won during his eventful life will come alive through this archive.

Born on December 24 at Sylhet (now part of Bangladesh) in 1905, Sen completed his graduation in Mechanical Engineering from Bengal Technical Institute of NCE Bengal in 1925. He went to Germany for higher studies and was awarded doctorate from Technical University Munich in 1933. He returned to India and actively participated in Non-Cooperation Movement, thus jailed. On his release from jail, he took up a job at Dibrugarh Electric Supply Corporation and worked there for nine years. It was because of his sustained efforts that Jadavpur University was set up in 1955 and he further immensely contributed towards its growth.

He later became the Rector and became the Vice-Chancellor of JU in 1964-65. He was awarded Padma Bhusan in the year 1965. He became the Union Minister of Mines, Metals and Petroleum in 1969. It was during his tenure as the Petroleum minister when the stringent drug prices control order was issued. Sen, who had active participation in the Bangladesh Liberation Movement in 1971, became the President of NCE, Bengal in 1972. He was a member of Rajya Sabha from 1967 to 1974. He passed away on January 11, 1998 in Kolkata.

Sri Shekhar Dutt, former Governor of Chattisgarh on July 9, 2018 inaugurated the archive on the second floor of the NCE building, Jadavpur University. Sri Dutt also released a book published by NCE captioned – “Lessons in Living: Stories from the Life of Dr Triguna Sen” on the same day. Jadavpur University Vice-Chancellor Suranjan Das was the guest of honour at the programme. It may be mentioned that as a tribute to Sen, the NCE had begun Triguna Sen Memorial Annual Lecture in the NCE office at Jadavpur from 2003. The Triguna Sen auditorium inside JU campus was unveiled by the Alumni Association of NCE and JU in 2008.

The National Council of Education - Bengal

Dr. Triguna Sen Archive

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